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Renew Physical Therapy Healing Center

Other books by Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS

Summer 2014 - 2nd Edition of Ending Female Pain, A Woman's Manual
is Now Available!

Over 100 new pages of information now included in the must have 2014 2nd Edition. New chapters on pudendal neuralgia, coccygodynia, SI joint, bladder health and core demystified. This book is now an even greater resource and is the most complete reference manual on the market today. A must have for pelvic pain sufferers and practitioners alike.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or diagnosis, then this empowering self-help book can get you back on track.

  • Pain with sexual intercourse
  • Pain with sitting or simple positional changes
  • C-section or post operative abdominal scar pain
  • Perineal tears or episiotomies after birth
  • Urinary leaking with laughing coughing sneezing
  • Frequent urination with or without urge
  • Burning or stabbing pain in the vulva
  • Acute pubic bone pain, called pubic symphysis or osteitis pubis
  • Unable to wear tight jeans or thongs
  • Tailbone or low back pain
  • Scar tissue adhesions
  • Abdominal separation, called diastasis recti separation?
  • Been told you have vulvodynia or vestibulitis?
  • Been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome?

Hear Dr. Christiane Northrup interview author Isa Herrera:

Renew PT patient Tali Keteri and EFP author Isa Herrera featured on MTV True Life. Voted Top 2 episodes of 10 years of True Life documentaries.

What They Are Saying About Ending Female Pain

"Ending Female Pain is a treasure. Isa Herrera has put together the best possible resource for helping women heal pelvic pain and live fully and comfortably."
... Christiane Northrup, M.D, ob/gyn physician and author of the New York Times bestsellers: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause

"Ending Female Pain is a breakthrough for women... this book is the self-healing resource for chronic pelvic pain and post-partum complications."
...Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein, filmmakers of "The Business of Being Born" and authors of "Your Best Birth"

"My patients recover faster and have less pain after receiving Isa's unique treatments. Hands down she is the best in NYC." ...Dr. Jacques Moritz, MD, OB/GYN

"Ending Female Pain - A Woman's Manual " by Isa Herrera, MSPT is a ground breaking book for women with pelvic and sexual pain, containing dozens of easy, helpful exercises and tips that offers hope for patients with pelvic floor problems, vulvodynia, IC, etc. etc. This book gives you vital, easy and effective stretches, exercises and tips to help you take control and manage your pelvic pain symptoms. ...Jill Osborne, President of the Interstitial Cystitis Network

Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS, women's health physiotherapist, has written the quintessential self-help book for women suffering from chronic pelvic and sexual pain. In this unique book, Ms. Herrera delivers the goods, sharing her trade secrets with you and putting you on the right track to a pain-free lifestyle and enjoyable sex life.

The large selection of techniques in this book are based on Herrera's real life experience in treating women at her NYC based healing center, Renew Physical Therapy, where she treats women who suffer from conditions such as vulvodynia, vaginismus, interstitial cystitis, vestibulitis, endometriosis, and pre and post-natal pain.

Ms. Herrera has written a multi-layered book, fusing yoga, pilates, internal massage, scar therapy, visualizations, and vulva self-care, ensuring that there is something for every woman who has suffered long enough with sexual, pelvic, or scar pain. In this book Ms. Herrera shows you how she helped countless women get on a path to self-healing, ultimately breaking their cycle of pain.

With this book Ms. Herrera is declaring a revolution, stating "I have given you the tools you need, don't hesitate to get started, end your pain and be the heroine of your own story."